情歌唱到令人動容、狂野舞曲讓人全身蠢蠢欲動,兼具偶像俊帥性感外型與實力派唱功的4人美聲團體98 Degrees/98度合唱團,’97年出道之後,便憑著精湛的合聲與駕馭各類型歌曲的高超技巧贏得「白色大人小孩雙拍檔」的封號;他們的招牌抒情歌曲首首成為全美成人抒情電台的最愛,播放率就如同炎炎夏日裡的溫度計水銀柱一般居高不下,而音樂錄影帶同樣支支沸騰MTV音樂電視頻道的點播排行榜。
   首張同名專輯一鳴驚人的突破金唱片,’99年加盟環球音樂的專輯『98°And Rising/98度征服未來』更一舉讓全美五百萬樂迷沉醉於98度的恆溫美聲;’99年底發行的耶誕專輯『The Christmas/千禧聖誕』包含了傳統耶誕歌謠以及全新創作的應景歌曲,順利認證為白金唱片,每到耶誕佳節他們和煦溫暖的美聲必定傳遍大街小巷;千禧年祭出第三張大碟『Revelation/天降神兵』,豐饒多元的音樂元素讓98度合唱團勇奪Billboard流行專輯榜亞軍,再創雙白金佳績。本篇介紹的"This gift"出自其耶誕專輯曾獲1999年第40名,推薦曲第一首"The Hardest Thing"同年打進Top5,第二首"Because of You"1998年季軍,第三首"Invisible Man"出自該團第一張專輯成績為1997年#12

This gift   98 Degree

The snow is falling, The city is white
Your eyes are shining like diamonds tonight
And we're all alone, There's no one home
You're finally in my arms again

The night is silent and Christmas is here
I couldn't ask for more than having ya near
'Cause I love you girl (love you girl)
And I always will (always will)
And now I know the moment is right
The moment is right

*Cause I've been waiting to give this gift tonight
I'm down on my knees
There's no better time
It's something to last for as long as you live
Tonight I'm gonna give you all my heart can give

I thought I'd give you something shiny and new
I'd try to find something worthy of you
But I realized when I looked inside
There's some things that money can't buy (oh no)

I feel the magic whenever you're near
I feel it even more this time of the year
Cause I love you girl (love you girl)
I always will (always will)
And now I know the moment is right
The moment is right

You know I'll always be true to you
And you know I'm the one you can turn to
Any time, any place, or anywhere
You know that I'll always be there

這份禮物   98度合唱團












中文翻譯來自樂友David D,歡迎來信 david_tuvn@yahoo.com.hk 討論!




98 Degrees ~ The Hardest Thing


We both know that I shouldn't be here
This is wrong
And baby it's killing me, it's killing you
Both of us trying to be strong
I've got somewhere else to be
Promises to keep
Someone else who loves me
And trusts me fast asleep
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that

It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye
And tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion
When you start to cry
I can't let you see
What you mean to me
When my hands are tied
And my hearts not free
We're not meant to be
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever had to do
To turn around and walk away
Pretending I don't love you

I know that we'll meet again
Fate has a place and time
So you can get on with your life
I've got to be cruel to be kind
Like Dr. Zhivago
All my love I'll be sending
And you will never know
There can be no happy ending


Maybe another time, another day
As much as I want to, I can't stay
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that


I don't want to live a lie
What can I do



98 Degrees ~ Because of You


It's all, It's all


You're my sunshine after the rain
You're the cure against my fear & my pain
'Cause I'm losing my mind
when you're not around
It's all, It's all
It's all because of you

You're my sunshine
Oh yeah

Baby I really know by now
since we met that day
You showed me the way
I felt it then, you gave me love
I can't describe
how much I feel for you

I said baby I
Should have known by now
Should have been right there
Whenever you gave me love
And if only you were here
I'd tell you
Yes I'd tell you, oh yeah

oohh oh yeah yeeaah

Honestly could you be with me
Like it was before
neither less nor more
'Cause when I close my eyes at night
I realize that no one else
Could ever take your place

I still can feel and it's so unreal
When you're touching me
Kisses endlessly
It's just a place in the sun,
where our loves begun
I miss you, yes I miss you
Oh baby yeah


If I knew how to tell you
What's on my mind
Make you understand
Then I'd always be there
Right by your side

Chorus (3 times)


98 Degrees ~ Invisible Man

mmm... oh oh oh yeeeaaah, u can't hardly wait to tell all ur friends
how his kisses taste sweet like wine
and how he always makes ur heart skip a beat every time he walks by
and if ur feeling down he'll pick u up,
he'll hold u close when ur making love
he everything you've been dreaming of, oh baby
I wish you'd look at me that way
ur beautiful eyes looking deep into mine
telling more then any words could say
but u don't even know I'm alive
baby to u, all I am, is the invisible man
ooh, u don't see me baby
u probably spend hours on the phone
talking about nothing at all
it doesn't matter what the conversation just as long as he calls
lost in a love so real and so sincere
and u wipe awaying all those tears
u face lights up whenever he appears
ohhhh... I wish u look at me that way
u beautiful eyes looking deep into mine (deep into mine)
telling more then any words could say
but I don't even know that I am alive
baby to u, all I am, is the invisible man
********** (lp version)
{u don't see me (x3)}
I see u all the time baby
hum, the way u look at him, I wish it was me sweet heart,
boy I wish that was me
but I guess I will never be
********** (lp version)
I wish you'd look at me that way
ur beautiful eyes looking deep into mine
telling more then any words could say
but u don't even know that I am alive
baby to u all I am is the invisible man
oh oh oh, oh baby, the invisible man
u don't see me girl
but I love u
yes I love u
the invisible man
oh oh oh oh yeah eeee yeah the invisible man
baby baby baby yeah... the invisible man

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