Andy GibbBee Gees樂團的么弟,195835日 生於英國,在三位巨星兄長的扶持下,這位從小坐勞斯萊斯上學的天之驕子星途可說一帆風順,7681年是其全盛時期,一共有10首歌進入美國排行榜,尤其7778年連續三首冠軍曲I Just Want to Be Your Everything; (Love Is) Thicker Than Water以及shadow dancing更是讓其聲勢如日中天,可惜因酗酒及吸毒,於1988年因藥物併發症過世,享年30歲。

Andy6個月大時即隨父母移民澳洲18歲結婚,20歲生女,但婚姻維持不久,80年代初就離婚了,81Andy認識了大他8歲也剛離婚的Victoria Principal(當年極紅的肥皂劇"朱門恩怨"的女主角之一),兩人旋即陷入熱戀,並合作翻唱了一首老歌All I Have to Do Is Dream(排行榜51名,也是Andy最後一首進榜歌) ,但這段轟動一時的姐弟戀因Andy剋藥於翌年三月就告吹,當時分手前Victoria曾對Andy發出最後通牒"Choose me, or choose drugs",顯然Andy選擇了後者,經此打擊Andy更是一蹶不振,鬱鬱寡歡直到辭世,在此期間Andy也曾戒毒復健,試圖東山再起,甚至兄長們已計劃在89年讓Andy正式加入Bee Gees樂團,但毒酒纏身的Andy終究沒等到這一天


Andy擁有天賦的歌喉及帥氣的臉龐,再加上Bee Gees家族的強力後盾,本該叱吒樂壇(事實上也風光過,有三首冠軍曲的歌星終究不多),惜毀於毒酒,英年早逝,可見幼年環境優渥未必是件好事,爾等後人豈可不慎! Bee Gees的歌聲曾伴隨著版主整個高中生涯,如今回首前塵往事,不勝唏噓啊!


Andy Gibb ~ I Just Wanna Be Your Everything


For so long
You and me been finding each other for so long
And the feeling that I feel for you is more than strong , girl
Take it from me
If you give a little more than you're asking for
your love will turn the key
Darling mine
I would wait forever for those lips of wine
Build my world around you , darling
This love will shine girl
Watch it and see
If you give a little more than you're asking for
your love will turn the key

I , I just want to be your ev'rything
Open up the heaven in your heart and let me be
the things you are to me and not some puppet on a string
Oh , if I stay here without you , darling , I will die
I want you laying in the love I have to bring
I'd do anything to be your ev'rything

Darling for so long
You and me been finding each other for so long
And the feeling that I feel for you is more than strong girl
Take it from me
If you give a little more than you're asking for
your love will turn the key

I , I just want to be your ev'rything
Open up the heaven in your heart and let me be
the things you are to me and not some puppet on a string
Oh, if I stay here without you , darling , I will die
I want you laying in the love I have to bring
I'd do anything to be your ev'rything

I , I just want to be your ev'rything
Open up the heaven in your heart and let me be
the things you are to me and not some puppet on a string
Oh, if I stay here without you , darling , I will die
I want you laying in the love I have to bring
I'd do anything to be your ev'rything

(fade out)


Andy Gibb ~ Shadow Dancing



Andy Gibb ~ (Love Is) Thicker Than Water



Andy Gibb ~ (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away

Maybe I don't wanna know the reason why
But lately you don't talk to me
Darling I can't see me in your eyes
I hold you near but you're so far away
And it's losing you I can't believe
To watch you leave and let this feeling die
You alone are the living thing that keeps me alive
And tomorrow if I'm here without your love
You know I can't survive
Only my love can raise you high above it all

Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love


We can take the darkness and make if full of light
But let your love flow back to me
How can you leave and let this feeling die
This happy room will be a lonely place when you are gone
And I won't even have your shoulders for the crying on
No other woman's love could be as true , I'm begging you

Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love

We changed the world we made it ours to hold
But dreams are made for those who really try
This losing you is real
But I still feel you here inside

Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love

Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love

Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love , our love
Don't throw it all away , our love

(fade out)



Andy Gibb ~ An Everlasting Love

I've been here all your life watching your crying game
You were the heaven in my lonely world
And he was your sun and your rain
I was losing you before I ever held you tight
Before you ever held me in your arms
And I won't make you blue
And maybe an everlasting love will do

Ah, we got an everlasting love
So tall, so wide, so high above the rumble of thunder down below
It's your love I need, it's the only show
And it's you want an everlasting dream

can take us anywhere are the tears of yesterday
We killed the pain , we blew away the memories of the tears we cried
And an everlasting love will never die

Take me out of the cold
Give me what I've hungered for
If it's the pleasure of taking my heart that you need
Then it only makes me love you more
I was yours before the stars were born and you were mine
I could have saved you all the pain you knew
And I won't make you cry
And maybe an everlasting love can try

Ah, we got an everlasting love
So tall , so wide, so high above the rumble of thunder down below
It's your love I need, it's the only show
And it's you want an everlasting dream
can take us anywhere are the tears are yesterday
We killed the pain , we blew away the memories of the tears we cried
And an everlasting love will never die

(repeat last verse 2 more times and fade)



Andy Gibb 經典排行~2

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