Lonestar樂團是累積八張專輯千萬張銷量、三張白金專輯紀錄,以及九首冠軍單曲美國德州抒情搖滾大團,雖然該團成立於田納西州,可是為了表示對家鄉德州的感恩,所以以一向有「孤星之州」的德州別名命名。樂團成軍之前,鍵盤手Dean Sams在納許維爾著名音樂景點「Opryland 主題公園」負責「Country Music USA 秀」,1992年招募Richie McDonald John RichMichael Britt Keech Rainwater,開始1993 1994年間五百場以上的演出,1995 年正式於BNA旗下發行首張同名專輯,為接下來十餘年風光的演藝生涯展開序幕。 1998John Rich單飛離開樂團,卻無損樂團魅力,同年《Lonely Grill》專輯以單曲〈Amazed〉勇奪鄉村榜八週冠軍、流行榜兩週冠軍,至今仍為樂壇佳話。推薦曲〈I'm Already There〉為2001年鄉村榜冠軍、成人抒情榜亞軍、流行榜#24第二首Not a Day Goes By〉為2002年鄉村榜#3、流行榜#36;第三首〈Smile〉為1999年鄉村榜冠軍、流行榜#39;第四首〈Tell Her〉為2001年鄉村榜冠軍、流行榜#39(以上資料來自博客來音樂館)

Every time our eyes meet 
This feeling inside me 
Is almost more than I can take 
Baby when you touch me 
I can feel how much you love me 
And it just blows me away 
I've never been this close to anyone or anything 
I can hear your thoughts 
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do 
I'm so in love with you 
It just keeps getting better 
I wanna spend the rest of my life


With you by my side 
Forever and ever 
Every little thing that you do 
Baby I'm amazed by you 

The smell of your skin 
The taste of your kiss 
The way you whisper in the dark 
Your hair all around me 
Baby you surround me 
You touch every place in my heart 
Oh it feels like the first time every time 
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes 

(Repeat Chorus x2)


Lonestar ~  I'm Already There

He called her on the road                                        他在旅途中打電話給她
From a lonely cold hotel room                                從一個寂寞而又冰冷的旅館房間
Just to hear her say I love you one more time     只為了再一次聽她說我愛你
But when he heard the sound                                但是當他聽到電話中傳來的聲響
Of the kids laughing in the background                孩子們在背景中嘻笑著
He had to wipe away a tear from his eye              他得抹去眼眶中盈現的淚水
A little voice came on the phone                             一個稚嫩的聲音出現在電話中
Said, "Daddy, when're you coming home?"         說,「爹地,你什麼時候會回來?」
He said the first thing that came to his mind       他說出了腦海中想到的直覺反應

I'm already there                                                        我已經在那裡了
Take a look around                                                   請四下看一看
I'm the sunshine in your hair                                   我是你髮梢上的陽光
I'm the shadow on the ground                                我是地板上的陰影
I'm the whisper in the wind                                     我是微風中的低語
I'm your imaginary friend                                         我是你幻想中的朋友
And I know I'm in your prayers                                而我知道我在你的祈禱中
Oh, I'm already there                                                啊,我已經在那裡了

She got back on the phone                                    她把電話接回來
Said, I really miss you, darling                              說,我真的好想你,親愛的
Don't worry about the kids, they'll be alright        別擔心孩子們,他們都不會有事
Wish I was in your arms                                         但願我就在你懷中
Lying right there beside you                                  躺在你的身邊
But I know that I'll be in your dreams tonight      可是我知道今晚我會在你夢中
And I'll gently kiss your lips                                    而我將溫柔的親吻你的唇
Touch you with my fingertips                                 用我的指尖輕輕將你撫觸
So turn out the light and close your eyes            所以,把燈關掉,閉上你的眼睛

I'm already there                                                      我已經在那裡了
Don't make a sound                                                什麼話也不要說
I'm the beat in your heart                                        我就是你心房的跳動
I'm the moonlight shining down                           我就是傾瀉而下的月光
I'm the whisper in the wind                                    我是那微風中的低語
And I'll be there until the end                                 而我將在那裡直到地老天荒
Can you feel the love that we share                     你能否感覺到我們共享的愛
Oh, I'm already there                                               啊,我已經在那裡了

We may be a thousand miles apart                     或許我們相隔千百里
But I'll be with you wherever you are                    但不管你身在何處,我都會與你同在

I'm already there                                                       我已經在那裡了
Take a look around                                                  請四下看一看
I'm the sunshine in your hair                                 我是你髮梢上的陽光
I'm the shadow on the ground                               我是地板上的陰影
I'm the whisper in the wind                                    我是微風中的低語
And I'll be there until the end                                 而我將在那裡直到地老天荒
Can you feel the love that we share                     你能否感覺到我們共享的愛
Oh, I'm already there                                               啊,我已經在那裡了
Oh, I'm already there                                              啊,我已經在那裡了





Lonestar ~  Not a Day Goes By

Got a picture of you, I carry in my heart
Close my eyes to see it, when the world gets dark
Got a memory of you, I carry in my soul
Wrap it close around me, when the night gets cold

If you asked me how I'm doing
I'd say just fine
But the truth is, baby
If you could read my mind

Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
After all this time
You're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain
Locked so deep inside
That baby, baby, oh, baby
Not a day goes by

I still wait for the phone
In the middle of the night
Thinking you might call me
If your dreams don't turn out right
And it still amazes me
That I lie here in the dark
Wishin' you were next to me
With your head against my heart

If you asked me how I'm doing
I'd say just fine
But the truth is, baby
If you could read my mind

Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
After all this time
You're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain
Locked so deep inside
That baby, baby, oh, baby
Not a day goes by

Minutes turn to hours
And the hours to days
Seems it's been forever
That I felt this way

Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
After all this time
You're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain
Locked so deep inside
That baby, baby, oh, baby
Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
Lonestar ~  Smile

I still remember the night we met
You said you loved my smile
But your love for me was like a summer breeze
Oh, it lasted for a while
I could hold on a little tighter I know
But when you love someone you gotta let 'em go so

So I'm gonna smile
'Cause I want to make you happy
Laugh, so you can't see me cry
I'm gonna let you go in style
And even if it kills me
I'm gonna smile

Kiss me once for a good time, baby
Kiss me twice for goodbye
You can't help how you don't feel

And it doesn't matter why
Give me a chance to bow out gracefully
'Cause that's how I want you to remember me

I'm gonna smile
'Cause I want to make you happy
Laugh, so you can't see me cry
I'm gonna let you go in style
And even if it kills me
I'm gonna smile

I'm gonna smile
So you can find the courage
Laugh, so you won't see me hurtin'
I'm gonna let you go in style
And even if it kills me
I'm gonna smile.




Lonestar ~  Tell Her 

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