Amanda Marshall是來自加拿大多倫多的流行搖滾歌手,1972年生,為一黑白混血兒(父白人母黑人,惟外表看不出有黑人血統),其在青少年時期即有在酒吧演唱的歷練,練就一身好唱功,本文介紹的“Let It Rain”出自其1995年首張同名專輯,雖未進入美國排行,但在加拿大曾打入Top10

I have given, I have given

And got none

Still I'm driven by something I can't explain

It's not a cross, it is a choice

I cannot help but hear his voice

I only wish that I could listen without shame


Let it rain

Let it rain on me

Let it rain, oh let it rain

Let it rain on me


I have been a witness to the perfect crime

I wipe the grin off of my face to hide the blame

It isn't worth the tears you cry to have a perfect alibi

Now I'm beaten at the hands of my own game


It isn't easy to be kind

With all these demons in my mind

I only hope one day I'll be free

I do my best not to complain

My face is dirty from the strain

I only hope one day I'll come clean


Come take my hand

We can walk to the light

And without fear

We can see through the darkest night


    創作者 元元 的頭像


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