由Down Robinson、Terry Ellis、Cindy Herron及Maxine Jones所組成的En Vogue堪稱九O年代最具影響力也最成功的R&B女子團體;這個成軍於加州的女子四人合唱團,嗓音寬達四個音域,由於和聲編排別出心裁加上亮麗耀眼的造型,帶給九O年代R&B/Pop舞曲音樂一新的風格,一度最喻為九O年代的「The Supremes」。
En Vogue自1990年出道後便以首張專輯「Born To Sing」締造R&B榜冠軍曲"Hold On"(並以此曲獲得靈魂列車音樂獎「最佳單曲」)、"Lies";’92年的三白金專輯「Funky Diva」中更是擁有冠軍曲"My Lovin’ (Never Gonna Get It)"及"Free Your Mind"、"Givin’ Him Something He Can Feel"、"Give It Up, Turn It Loose"等排行勁曲;同時她們也以此得到’92年靈魂列車音樂獎「年度最佳藝人」及五項葛萊美獎提名。’93年所發行的6首歌EP「Runaway Love」除收錄" Runaway Love"外,還有與饒舌歌聞名的Salt-N-Pepa合作並獲得MTV音樂獎「最佳R&B錄影帶」的"Whatta Man"。’95年他們為電影【Set It Off】所演唱的主題曲"Don’t Let Go (Love)"更是一舉拿下亞軍的席次、’97年團員中的Down Robinson宣佈離團發展個人事業(2008年歸隊),但變為三人組合的En Vogue依然發行了「EV3」專輯,請到Babyface、David Foster等重量級製作人助陣並炮製出"Whatever"、"Too Gone Too Long"、"Let It Flow"…等佳曲向樂迷證明全新的En Vogue並未解散。’98年,En Vogue再度為電影【Why Do Fools Fall In Love?】演唱了一首動人抒情曲"No Fool No More",也為她們的精選專輯營造絕佳的聲勢。聽En Vogue的音樂,聽到最佳的R&B歌曲。(以上資料來自博客來音樂館)
What's it gonna be
Cuz i can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends
Hold me tight and don't let go
Don't let go
Have the right to loose control
Don't let go
Verse 1:
I often tell myself
That we could be more than just friends
I know you think that if we move to soon
It would all end
I live in misery when you're not around
And i won't be satisfied 'till we're taking those vows
There'll be some lovemaking, heartbreaking, soul shaking
Oh, lovemaking, heartbreaking, soul shaking
Verse 2:
I often fantasize
The stars above are watching you
They know my heart and speak to yours
Like only lovers do
If i could wear your clothes
I'd pretend i was you and lose control
There'll be some lovemaking, heartbreaking, soul shaking
Oh lovemaking, heartbreaking, soul shaking, oh yeah
Running in and out my life has got me so confused
You gotta make the sacrifice
Somebody's got to choose
We can make it if we try for the sake of you and i
Together we can make it right
(chorus until fade)