2007年奪得「American Idol美國偶像」歌唱選秀比賽第六季冠軍,Jordin Sparks17歲之齡拿下截至目前為止年紀最輕的衛冕者。隔年即以驚人的速度竄紅全球流行歌壇,花了短短一年時間,贏得Billboard讚譽:「不造作的秀出她美麗嗓音」,站上「年度最佳新人」第二名位置、風光抱走全美音樂獎「最佳成人抒情藝人」加冕、第42屆超級盃盛會上演唱國歌、提名葛萊美、MTV等多座獎項肯定,Jordin力拼新世代都會情歌代言人,沉醉在她低迴婉轉之細膩情感鋪陳,其揮灑自若的演繹技巧更隨處展露無遺。

出生亞利桑那州鳳凰城的Jordin,以13歲稚齡錄製生平第一張五首歌的迷你專輯。2004年迎戰當代基督音樂歌唱競賽Music In The Rockies得到亞軍,同年在美國才藝選秀節目America’s Most Talented Kid拔得頭籌,隨後擔任搖滾怪傑Alice Cooper、福音歌手Michael W. Smith等人巡演時的幕後合音。以美國偶像舞台一圓歌唱美夢,順利出版首張處女之航《Jordin Sparks》,登記全美流行榜第十名,接連在〈This Is My Now〉、〈Tattoo〉、〈No Air〉、〈One Step At A Time〉等四首全部衝進Top20之林的單曲推波助欄,快速獲頒百萬銷售的白金認證。(以上資料來自博客來音樂館)


There was a time I packed my dreams away. 曾經一度,我將夢想收起擱淺
Living in a shell, hiding from myself. 生活在一個殼中,不斷自我逃避
There was a time when I was so afraid. 曾經一度,我是如此畏懼
I thought I’d reached the end, 以為自己走到盡頭
Baby that was then 寶貝那已是過去
I am made of more than my yesterdays. 我已在每一天中超越過去
This is my now, 我已如今,
and I am breathing in the moment. 呼吸著這一刻的空氣
As I look around 當我環顧周圍
I can’t believe the love I see. 感動于我才發現的這些難以置信的愛
My fears behind me, 將我的畏懼拋在腦后,
gone are the shadows and doubts 與那些陰影和懷疑一起消失
That was then, this is my now. 往事已去,我已如今
Had to decide 不得不選擇
was I going to play it safe 是保守求全
or look somewhere deep inside 還是向更深處發掘
try to turn the tide 試著去力挽狂瀾
and find the strength to take that step of faith 找到那力量來抓住命運的腳步
This is my now, 我已如今,
and I am breathing in the moment. 呼吸著這一刻的空氣
As I look around 當我環顧周圍
I can’t believe the love I see. 感動于我才發現的這些難以置信的愛
My fears behind me, 將我的畏懼拋在腦后,
gone are the shadows and doubts 與那些陰影和懷疑一起消失
That was then, this is my now. 往事已去,我已如今
And I have the courage like never before, yeah. 我已滿懷從未有過的信心
I’ve settled for less 我已勉強接受了少些,
but I’m ready for more, 但更為更多而做好準備
Ready for more.
This is my now.
I am living in the moment. 活在當下的每一刻
As I look around 當我環顧周圍
I can’t believe the love I see. 感動于我才發現的這些難以置信的愛
My fears behind me, 將我的畏懼拋在腦后,
gone are the shadows and doubts 與那些陰影和懷疑一起消失
That was then, this is my now. 往事已去,我已如今
am breathing in the moment. 呼吸著這一刻的空氣
As I look around 當我環顧周圍
I can’t believe the love I see. 感動于我才發現的這些難以置信的愛
My fears behind me, 將我的畏懼拋在腦后,
gone are the shadows and doubts 與那些陰影和懷疑一起消失
That was then, this is my now. 往事已去,我已如今
This is my now. 我已如今



    創作者 元元 的頭像


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