"Babyface"1958年生於美國印地安納州,是節奏藍調歌手,擅作詞作曲,也是非常出名的唱片製作人,很多大牌藝人的暢銷專輯皆出自其手,也是10座葛萊美獎得主,被尊為當代R&B教父,然即使他捧紅了很多藝人,更製作過無數經典專輯,但他親自演唱的歌卻成績平平,版主僅挑了2首歌與格友分享,主打歌"And Our Feelings"是1994年流行榜#21、R&B榜#8;推薦曲"Every Time I Close My Eyes"則在1997年拿到流行榜#6,值得一提的是這首歌有"Mariah Carey"在幕後合音,"Kenny G"吹奏薩克斯風,"Sheila E"負責敲擊樂器,真是陣容卡司超強,也顯見其在樂壇崇高的地位。
And who could blame us
The word was we were just beside ourselves
And everybody said it wouldn't last
Now they wonder
Why we didn't last
We fell in love
It seemed so righteous
Couldn't compare our love to no one else
And everybody thought we could not win
It's no wonder
Love came to an end
And our feelings
Just aren't feelings anymore
They're just words that come from whispers
From people we don't know
And our feelings
Just aren't feelings anymore
They're just words without emotion
From people who don't know
We fell apart
The bond was broken
Should've kept our thoughts between ourselves
And though they say they cared
They didn't help
Makes me wonder
Should we blame ourselves
So here we are
Broken hearted
What in the world have we done to ourselves
When everybody said to let it end
It makes me wonder
We can't let them win
If we'd only just try we could make it by
And maybe in time we could make it right
If we only had done what we shoulda done
We'd both be here still making love
I wanna know that, that we can go back
Back to the times when the lovin' was all that
When no one could come between our love
Girl, it's been a long, long time comin'
女孩 我已經等了好久好久了
But I, I know that it's been worth the wait
It feels like springtime in winter
It feels like Christmas in June
It feels like heaven has opened up
its gates for me and you
(Chorus 副歌)
And every time I close my eyes
I thank the Lord that I've got you
And you've got me too
And every time I think of it
I pinch myself 'cause I don't believe it's true
That someone like you loves me too, yeah
Girl, I think that you're truly somethin'
女孩 對我而言妳真的很重要
Yes, you are, and you're every bit of a dream come true
With you baby, it never rains and it's no wonder
和妳在一起 寶貝 難怪不會下雨
The sun always shines when I'm near you
因為每當我在妳身旁時 天空永遠都是晴朗的
It's just a blessing that I have found somebody like you
(Chorus 副歌)
To think of all the nights I've cried myself to sleep
You really oughta know how much you mean to me
It's only right that you be in my life
Right here with me, oh baby, baby